
How to make rooms look bigger?

Research suggests that humans don’t like being confined in small spaces. In fact, they prefer being in large and open spaces. Since a lot of us cannot afford to live in big, luxury houses that contain wide, spacious rooms, we can always use tips and tricks to give the illusion of a bigger space. Sounds fascinating, right?

There are a lot of factors that influence how we perceive a space, such as the brightness and the shape of the room along with its color scheme. Just like that, there are various ways to create an illusion of space in small rooms. Let’s have a look at how we can achieve that.

A great way to add an effect of openness to your room is through MIRRORS. Instead of using solid wooden doors, you can use glass panel doors. Furthermore, you can place a mirror that goes from the floor to the ceiling. This will make the light reflect resulting a  small space look more spacious. While putting up a mirror, do keep in mind the parts of the room you wish to have reflected on.

When it comes to giving the illusion of space in a small room, FURNITURE MATTERS a great deal. Massive furniture items such as coffee tables, ornate bedheads, and oversize loose chairs make the space look overcrowded. It also won’t be comfortable to stroll around big pieces of furniture. Hence, this looks the space look bulky. To make the best use of space, you can keep furniture with light frames. Placing transparent furniture items will also create an illusion of space while intensifying aesthetics.

As mentioned earlier, the COLOR of the surfaces considerably influences how we perceive the room. Lighter shades reflect light and create an open appearance whereas, dark colors and decorative, patterned fabrics absorb light and tend to shrink the space. Darker colors,  patterned rugs, and carpets also restrict floor space. According to studies, lighter ceilings appear higher as compared to darker ceilings. To create an illusion of space, use monochromatic color schemes, and a continuous flooring surface. This will the eye move around without any obstacles in sight.

Lastly, make sure that you have lighting at the eye level. That will help restrict shadows as compared to ceiling lights.